
IceAgeMu, Сезон 2-3: Старт Рестарта в базе данных 05/08/2018!

Автор xXxXxXx, 2018 Июль 19, 00:02

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu онлайнmu серверыiceagemu


DATE : 25.11.2017 H:21:00(GMT+2)
Version Season 2 + Season 3
Experience 150x
Party Exp :200x
Party Perfect :210x
BC/DS: +10x EXP
Drop 80%
Monster HP 100%
Points per Level BK,SM,ELF 5
Points per Level DL,MG 7
Maximum Points 32000
Level for Reset 400
Elf Helper Buffer Untill level 300
Nola Buffer Untill level 300

DmnCms Mu WebSite Premium
AntiHack Premium MHP
Security DDos Premium
Unique Files code base
CastleSiege ON
No attack speed bugs
Market System
Vote reward
X-shop in game for GEM
Clicker inside client(Press F10 in game for setup)
Pickup inside client (/pickup x y,x y = item code)
Your store work for GEMS or ZEN Offline /offzen /offgem
Golden Invasion+All event mobs give you gem
currency named GEM

/info Details about files
/post Write a message on post
/str [points] Add Points to Strength
/agi [points] Add Points to Agility
/vit [points] Add Points to Vitality
/ene [points] Add Points to Energy
/com [points] Add Points to Command
/pet [1-5] Summon your Pet (Need Jewel of Chaos)
/marry [name] In Devias Church elf with bk/dl/sm/mg (Need 1 Heart)
/div [name] In Devias Church elf div bk/dl/sm/mg(Need 10 Bless)
/tracemarry [name] Trace to your wife/husband (Need 5kk Zen and min Lv. 200)
/reset Reset your character
/pack [jewel name] Need 10 [JewelName] ,get 1 Bounch of [JewelName] ( Life , Chaos , Creation , Guardian, Harmony)
/unpack [jewel name] Need 1 Bounch of [JewelName] ,get 10 [JewelName] ( Life , Chaos , Creation , Guardian, Harmony)
/tipsyreset Reset Tipsy Johny Quest missions (Final Quest give 1 Jewel of Excelent) every 5 resets
/leoreset Rest Leo The Helper quests every 3 resets quest for GEM and zen
  • [y] You can pickup items from mob drop, jewels,boxes etc... (eg: x=14 y=16 , For Jewel of Life,x=12 y=15 For Jewel of Chaos) (Item List inside Client Folder)
/picklist You can see what you set to /pickup.
/pickclear You can clear your /picklist to clear what you set to /pickup.
/pickinfo How to use pickup and example
/offgem /offzen You can use your store like a market only in Devias,lorencia or Noria. (You can sell your exe items for GEM or for ZEN Offline )

with Luck/No Luck
Jewel of Soul  80%    60%
Jewel of Bless 100%
Jewel of Life 75%
Item +10 90%(+Luck +5%)
Item +11 80%(+Luck +5%)
Item +12 70%(+Luck +5%)
Item +13 65%(+Luck +5%)
Dinorant 80%
Fenrir 70%
Dark Horse 75%
Dark Raven 75%
BC/DS Invitation 100%
Gemstone 85%
LordMix 100% (Only for Guild GM owner CS & 1 time per day)
Condor Feather 80%
3rd Level Wings 70%

Events Names & Description
Blood Castle Reward for BC 1-7 1 Jewel of Luck +70% EXP Bonus
Chaos Castle Reward for CC 1-6 1 new jewel Random
Devil Square +70% EXP Bonus+Jewel Drop Increase In every DS exist GOLDENS!
Illusion Temple Reward 4 Box of Kundun+5 for winners
White Wizard Reward Jewels + Wizzard Ring
Golden Invasion Reward Box of Kundun and GEM From golden helper drop Stone and get GEM 5 stone = 1 item exe Devias Church at Golden Archer
Red Dragon Invasion Reward Jewels
Skeleton King Reward Jewels
Balgass Event Reward Random Items/Weapon 380 & New
Carnage Event Reward Random Items Excelent or Ancient

Events Names & Description
Evangelion - Reward 3 different jewels
Golnden Skeleton - change stones for items
Erohims Boss - One of top boses,reward top items
YiYang Rabbit - Reward Gems
Lorencia Ring battle - PvP event,reward gems & special jewel
Godlike Kundun - Very strong boss,reward anc+exl top items
Lottery - Every day lotty, with big gems reward
Quest systems Nr1,2 - serial of quests with different reward
Mystic Solider Event Reward 1 Jewel of Mystical For increase level for Ring/Pendants Appear in Lorencia/Devias/Noria
HappyHour Reward +10 Bonus Experience Event duration 1 hour
Erohim Boss Reward 1 item new/380 Random+20 GEM Appear in Noria/Lorencia/Devias
NEW GOLDEN+6 Reward 1 Box of Kundun+6 +10 GEM Appear in Kanturu 1/2 In the same time with Golden Invasion
AutoDrop Event in Lorencia with Bok+1 and Bok+2 1 Time per day...
WebSite: https://IceAgeMu.Com/


IceAgeMU Season 2 Season 3
Restart Database 05/08/2018
Experience:100x solo(bonus 10x per player)
Drop 50%,Custom item

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